At Pork Filled Productions, we:
• Produce and develop genre plays
• Promote Asian American and POC artists
• Imagine fantastical, inclusive and FUN universes.
We envision a bright universe informed by diverse experiences and perspectives, populate by larger than life characters where everyone's story can be told.
• Play
• Optimism
• Joy
• Boldness
• Sincerity
• Respectfulness
• Inclusivity
Pork Filled Productions is the theatre offshoot of the veteran sketch comedy group, Pork Filled Players, stretching the boundaries of Asian American theatre. As the oldest Asian American thetre group in the Northwest, our shows reflect the imagination and creativity of Asian American artists, embracing steampunk adventures (The Clockwork Professor by Maggie Lee) supernatural comedies (Big Hunk o' Burnin' Love by Prince Gomolvilas), Asian American con men (Fast Company by Carla Ching), mistaken race farces (Yellow Face by David Henry Hwang), and yes, even Kung-fu zombie Shakespeare (Living Dead in Denmark by Qui Nguyen).