Pork Filled Productions proudly presents, as part of a rolling world premiere, The Brothers Paranormal by Prince Gomolvilas. Directed by Mimi Katano.
Two Thai-American brothers launch a ghost-hunting business in order to capitalize on the nationwide increase in sightings of “Asian-looking ghosts.” When the siblings end up investigating the home of an African-American couple that claims to be haunted by one very terrifying spirit, everyone’s notions of reality, fantasy, and sanity clash against the shocking truth.
The Brothers Paranormal will be performed at Theatre Off Jackson, October 25, 2019 thru November 16, 2019.
Audition information
Please review the character descriptions as age, gender, and ethnicity are specifically stated. Pork Filled Productions is dedicated to casting appropriately and are to committed to representing our characters and stories truthfully.
Actors of Asian descent and African descent are strongly encouraged to audition.
This play will include movement and some action sequences and actors should be comfortable with dance, movement, and stage fighting, etc. Stage combat and movement experience is a plus. Accents are not required at auditions.
Audition date: Saturday, May 18, 10am to 3pm
Callbacks date: Wednesday, May 22, 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Email for audition appointment: oink@porkfilled.com
- Include headshot and resume in email
Sides will be provided.
Actors will be paid a stipend.
Character Descriptions
Actors of Asian descent and African descent are strongly encouraged to audition. Accents are not required at audition.
NOI: 20s; a Thai woman
MAX: 25; Thai American; born in the U.S.
DELIA: 50s; African American; born in the U.S.; her name is pronounced “DEE-LEE-UH”
VISARUT: 39; Thai American; born in Thailand; immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 13; speaks with a Thai accent; Max’s brother; his name is pronounced “VIS-UH-ROODT”; Thai accent is NOT required at auditions
TASANEE: 60; Thai American; born in Thailand; immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 33; speaks with a Thai accent; Max and Visarut’s mother; her name is pronounced “DTAH-SAH-NEE”; Thai accent is NOT required at auditions.
FELIX: 50s; African American; born in the U.S.; Delia’s husband.
Audition location
Auditions are at Prima Vera Arts Center (112 N. 5th Ave., across from KOMO Broadcasting, near Seatte Center). A map where auditions are held.
Please email oink@porkfilled.com with headshot and resume and to make an appointment for an audition.