The short line:
Pork Filled Productions and SIS Productions present Exotic Deadly: Or the MSG Play, by Keiko Green (The Bed Trick, Hometown Boy, Nadeshiko). Directed by Mimi Katano.
Audition/Interview Dates:
Monday, March 24 @ 5:30pm – 9:30 pm
Tuesday, March 25 @ 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Thursday, April 3 @ 5:30-9:30
Saturday, April 5 @ 11-5 pm
Audition Requirements:
Please prepare a one minute contemporary comedic monologue. Please apply for an audition by Friday, March 21 5 pm
Use this audition form!
The longer form:
It’s 1999, and Ami just wants to blend in and be an American teenager. But two things shatter her universe: the arrival of a Japanese exchange student, Exotic Deadly (who doesn’t play by the rules) and the discovery that her grandfather invented MSG. These twin challenges send Ami careening through space and time, from post WWII Japan to the ocean bottom and leads to her ultimate destination: figuring out who she really is.
Pork Filled Productions is the theater offshoot of the long-running sketch comedy group, The Pork Filled Players. PFProductions grew from a desire to break stereotypes and challenge expectations of Asians in theater. SIS Productions shares new Asian American plays with humor and heart while creating visibility for and centering the talent and leadership of Asian American Women. For more information please visit us at porkfilled.com and facebook.com/porkfilledproductions and https://celebr8women.wordpress.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/sisproductions.
To schedule an audition, please fill out this audition form by Friday, March 21, 5 pm: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz4M6VZeUHunAygRJsoD7DOLB6ikLPF65Vcm24nY38zQB_Mg/viewform?usp=sharing
Audition/Interview Dates:
Monday, March 24 @ 5:30pm – 9:30 pm
Tuesday, March 25 @ 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Thursday, April 3 @ 5:30-9:30
Saturday, April 5 @ 11-5 pm
Audition Requirements:
Please prepare a one minute contemporary comedic monologue. Please apply for an audition by Friday, March 21 5 pm
Rehearsals begin early to mid July
Load in August 25, 2025
Tech: Beginning August 30, 2025
Invited dress: TBA
Opening: September 6, 2025
Closing: September 20, 2025
Actors will be paid a stipend of $600.
Character Breakdown / Project Needs:
All characters are Asian.
Actors of Asian descent are strongly encouraged to audition.
ACTOR 1 – Female. 20’s
plays… AMI, an awkward, 14 year-old over-sharer, who just wants to stay invisible. Lots of energy. This is her story until the story takes over. Until then, she’s a manic Zach Morris on the brink of a dark identity crisis. She doesn’t really identify with the Asian culture that is literally pumping through her veins. Loves her family, hates her family.
ACTOR 2 – Female. 20’s – 30’s.
plays… EXOTIC DEADLY, a timeless (yet youthful) rebel. Unpredictable. The embodiment of MSG. Like a chestnut, she’s prickly yet surprisingly sweet. But years of being misunderstood takes its toll. Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and conform to what the world wants her to be.
ACTOR 3 – Male. 20’s – 30’s. He represents family: our ancestors, our brothers. The flawed, surprisingly sensitive sweetheart. His eyes are warm, even as he teases you. The first to laugh at the joke at his own expense, even when the other guy goes too far. He’ll be a great Dad one day.
ACTOR 4 – Female. 30’s – 40’s. A bit of a chameleon with comedy chops, who plays a lot of maternal figures: The Mom who shows her love through her actions, not her words. The annoyed Aunties who work on their feet day in and day out for a brighter future (for someone else). The Midwestern teacher who really just wants you to do your golly-darned best!
ACTOR 5 – Male or non-binary with comedy chops. 20’s – 30’s. The lovable buffoon. The well-intentioned, popular kid at school, who accidentally did a number on your self-esteem. We’re meeting him at his peak, and his peak looks great, especially in slo-mo. Think Bill & Ted.
ACTOR 6 – Male or non-binary. 20’s – 40’s. Can smoothly move between buffoonery and some Iago-level Shakespearean monologue, all with an egg roll in his mouth. The other popular kid at school, but also represents the dangers of the world. The funny, charming folks with maybe not so great intentions…
Submit using the audition form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz4M6VZeUHunAygRJsoD7DOLB6ikLPF65Vcm24nY38zQB_Mg/viewform?usp=sharing
We offer the option to submit video auditions; email link to your audition video (along with headshot and resume) using audition form.
Audition Location:
562 1st Avenue S., 4th Fl
Seattle WA
Specific submission instructions:
Submit a headshot and a resume (Please name your files RESUME_lastname_firstname.pdf and HEADSHOT_lastname_firstname.jpg)
You have the option to submit a video audition. Use the audition form listed above to submit the link to your audition along with your headshot and resume.
Other details you need to know about these auditions:
Please apply for an audition by Friday, March 21 5 pm
The entrance is to a secured building; please be on time, as you will need to be let in.