Journey of the Wind is an improvised theatrical play inspired by the films of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli (My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, The Boy and the Heron). The show is directed by Belinda Fu, and co-produced by Jet City Improv Presents and Pork Filled Productions.
Journey of the Wind tells the adventure of a brave young hero coming of age in a beautiful and brutal world where humans, nature, and magic intertwine.
This production intends to create an improvisational piece that feels like a scripted theatrical performance. We are looking for performers who improvise with sincerity, playfulness, and honesty, and who have strong skills in narrative storytelling and physical / movement-based improvisation. We will be casting an ensemble who will rotate with eight on-stage performers per night.
JCI and PFP are committed to diversity and strive to embody a positive model of inclusion. As such, we encourage performers of all ages, ethnicities, and gender identities, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend our auditions. In keeping with the mission of Pork Filled Productions, we especially encourage performers of Asian or Asian-American background to audition; performers of all backgrounds are welcome.
Rehearsal & Performance Schedule:
Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays from 6-10pm and Sundays from 2-6pm, beginning March 13. (Exception: There is no rehearsal on Weds March 20. Rehearsal will be held instead on Tuesday March 19 from 6-10pm.)
Tech and dress rehearsals will be April 28-May 1.
Performances will begin Thursday, May 2, 2024, and end on Saturday, May 18, 2024.
The performance schedule is:
May 2, 3, 4 (Th/Fr/Sat) evenings
May 5 (Sun) matinee
May 9, 10, 11 ((Th/Fr/Sat) evenings
May 12 (Sun) matinee
May 13 (Mon) Industry night performance
May 16, 17, 18 (Th/Fr/Sat) evenings
Performances will be held at Theater Off Jackson in the International District, Seattle.
Please submit your information via this form to sign up for auditions.
The deadline for submissions is January 29, 2024.
Auditionees will receive notification of their assigned one-hour audition slot by February 5, 2024.
Auditions will be held in-person, in one-hour small group workshops, on the following dates:
Sunday, Feb 11 from 6-9:30pm @ the Drama Room at the University Heights Center (5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105).
Monday, Feb 12 from 7-9:15pm @ West of Lenin (203 N 36th St #204, Seattle, WA 98103)
Of note, the audition venue at West of Lenin is accessed by stairs and is not ADA accessible; the audition venue at the University Heights Center has an elevator and is ADA accessible.
Pay rates:
Cast members will be paid $40 for each on-stage performance. The ensemble will perform on a rotating basis, with eight on-stage performers each night.
ACCESSIBILITY / PRIVACY NOTICE: This questionnaire inquires about any accessibility needs you may have for a successful environment and experience. Only JCI/PFP staff related to this project will have access to relevant answers from this form, and only for the purposes of accessibility and administration. Please contact Michael Latham (Stage Manager, if you have any concerns or questions regarding the use of information on this form.