Earlier in October, PFP was proud to represent Seattle at the Fifth National Asian American Theater Conference/Festival, hosted by the Consortium of Asian American Theaters and Artists (CAATA) and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF). PFP assumed a major role at the conference, bringing down one of the largest groups of any theatre company in the country! Actors Denny Le, May Nguyen, Maile Wong, and Brad Walker (directed by Amy Poisson and stage managed by Kendra Lee) brought steampunk action-adventure to OSF¹s Angus Bowmer Theatre in a showcased excerpt from Maggie Lee’s The Tumbleweed Zephyr, to the rapturous applause of their fellow Asian American artists (check out what OSF actor Jeena Yi said).
Later in the week, several PFP artists (like Denny Le and Eliza Wu) were featured in a number of staged readings at Con/Fest, taking advantage of the chance to work with prominent Asian American actors and directors currently working at major theatres and TV networks all across the country.
ReAct Director David Hsieh and Denny Le appear in a staged reading of Picnic.
The 2016 Con/Fest was a truly inspiring event for all Asian American theatre artists, and we can¹t wait for the next one! Thank you, CAATA and OSF!