Acting Opportunity

A nonprofit organization called the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) isinvestigating anti-Asian discrimination in the Seattle/Tacoma and greater Los Angeles metro areas.

They will be hiring actors soon for a civil rights testing project. They will pay actors of Asian descent, and actors of other races, to contact local businesses and inquire about services. They’ll report back how they were treated, and thel’ll determine whether the businesses are engaging in discriminatory conduct.

Pay for each actor $85 for each assignment, which amounts to over $40 an hour for this work. All of the work will be done remotely.

They’ll be conducting trainings for interested actors via Zoom. The training for the Seattle/Tacoma metro area will take place on Monday, May 17th from 6 PM to 9 PM PST.

The training for the Los Angeles metro area will take place on Wednesday, May 19th from 6 PM to 9 PM PST.

Everyone who completes a training will receive $75 for attending the training, and they will then be eligible for assignments that pay $85 each.

Anyone who is interested should email a work resume to

Please be aware that because of grant restrictions, they are unable to work with anyone who has worked for a real estate company or bank within the past 12 months, and they are unable to work with anyone who has ever been convicted of a felony or any crime of dishonesty.