GiveBig to PFP for a Big Year of Art!

GiveBig to PFP for a Big Year of Art

GiveBIG, Seattle’s day of giving, returns May 3 and 4, 2022!  Co-ordinated by WashingtonGives and 501Commons, GiveBIGraises the banner for Seattle’s non-profits, large and small, to magnify funding for groups like Pork Filled Productions. 

Our goal for 2022 is our most ambitious yet! $6000 to produce and develop geek theatre (like our steampunk plays). And we imagine fantastical, inclusive, and FUN universes. The first $750 in gifts gets matched, so that doubles the wallop of your contribution!

 You got a taste of this with our Slow Cooker Unleashed!Reading  series with Cafe Nordo (and you know both groups have plans for Wolves on the Fold, The Rainshadow Distpatch and Autocorrect Thinks I’m Dead!)

But we’re not finished. Here are some things to look forward to:

  • In June, we are co-presenting, with ArtsWest, the world premiere of miku and the gods—you saw it emerging from our 2020 Unleashed program 

  • In August, we are bringing you the greatest pirate queen of all time in She Devil of the China Seas

  • And we have a super secret project coming up that’ll knock your socks off!

LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN!                                     

Mark your calendars for GiveBIG on May 3 AND 4. Or avoid the rush and schedule your donation when early giving begins April 19. Keep an eye on our Facebook or Instagram accounts to stay current.

Get ready for GiveBig! And support PFP today!