Hugo Award Winner Phil Foglio to Illustrate TUMBLEWEED ZEPHYR Poster

T-minus three months until The Tumbleweed Zephyr opens at 12th Ave Arts!

foglios01The gang at Pork Filled Productions is excited to announce that Hugo Award winning creator and steampunk guiding light, Phil Foglio, will be illustrating The Tumbleweed Zephyr poster (with Kaja Foglio and Cheyenne Wright). Phil created the poster for our first trip to New Providence, The Clockwork Professor, and we’re happy to get to work with him again.

Folks may know him as the famed creator of the web comic Girl Genius ( Others know he’s  the creator of Buck Godot, Zap Gun for Hire. Still others know he was behind the long running What’s New with Phil & Dixie for Dragon Magazine and TSR Games. (And only the exceeding mad know him for all three, plus his DC Comics work).

cropped-blog_headerThe PFP team shot the breeze with the Foglios on their Girl Genius podcast. We  come in at the 8:30 mark. Careful listeners can glean a special surprise we’re planning to unleash with the Zephyr production.

So tune in the podcast, check out the latest page for Girl Genius and start counting the days until The Tumbleweed Zephyr!