Stop AAPI Hate

The PFP Response to the Atlanta Shootings

Stop AAPI Hate
Like all our fellow Asian American organizations and community members, we at Pork Filled Productions are shocked and saddened at the loss of life in the butchery of the Atlanta spree killings.
Delaina Ashley Yaun
Xiaojie Tian
Daoyou Feng
Julie Park
Hyeon Jeong Park are the names we know of as of now.
Say their names. Remember their names. They deserve the attention they did not receive in life.
But what also needs to be remembered is that this violence against Asian Americans is not an isolated instance. There has been a rising time of violence against Asian Americans, with multiple deaths and multiple injuries left in its wake.
And this rising tide is not, itself, isolated. It is just the latest cycle of violence visited on Asian Americans by a mind set that uses the twin tools of violence and racism to maintain a white supremacist society. The many lynchings of Chinese laborers in the 19th Century; the Chinese Exclusion Act; the lynchings of Filipino workers in the 20th Century; the World War II Incarceration of Japanese Americans; the KKK “greeting” Vietnamese fishermen in Texas; Vincent Chin in Detroit. All are a part of a centuries long pattern of violence (physical and political) against Asian Americans.
We at Pork Filled Productions oppose violence. We fight against this violence with our stories, with our words, with our efforts; the stories of a bright universe filled with hope is as potent an antidote as the marches, vigils and pocketbook support we lend to our kindred organizations in our own and other communities who also fight white supremacy and its racism. We urge you to join us in this struggle.
Additional places to donate:
-NAPAWF (Nat’l Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum) supports Asian immigrant women, healthcare, & reproductive justice in Atlanta:
-Red Canary Song is a grassroots collective that supports Asian & migrant sex workers, organizing transnationally:
-CAAAV is a Pan-Asian community-based organization that works to build power among low-income Asian immigrants & refugees in NYC, in broader movement for racial & economic justice:
-ButterflySW is a an organization that provides support, education and information to Asian and migrant sex workers:
-SWAN (Sex Workers Action Network) Vancouver supports Asian migrant women workers fleeing violence & exploitation:
-CPA (Chinese Progressive Association) in Boston and San Francisco re grassroots organizations organizing working class immigrant Chinese community to build collective power with other communities of color:
-AIWA (Asian Immigrant Women Advocates) works with Asian immigrant women workers in San Francisco / Bay Area garment, home care, hotel, restaurant, assembly and other low-wage industries, & with Asian immigrant youth in Oakland:
GoFundMe’s verified list of AAPI fundraisers: